Friday, October 24, 2008

Lord krishna leela on yasoda

Various childhood episodes or Lilas of Krishna, growing in Yashoda's household abound in Hindu religious texts, important amongst them are, Krishna giving Yashoda with His Vishwaroopa or His Divine Form. Also it is stated by Ved Vyasa in Mahabharatha the main Epic which portrays Lord Krishna as principal Hero, that venerable sage Maharishi Narada once visited Lord Krishna at Brindavan

Lord Krishna as usual was playing in Mud and was swallowing the sand. Mother Yashoda upon seeing it was furious with Krishna for disobeying Her and punished Krishna by tying Him to a grinding stone. Upon witnessing this act a couplet broke forth Sage Narada in Sanskrit "Enna Davam Saidhanai, Yashoda" which literally means: "What penance have You (Mother Yashoda) undertaken to be bestowed with the powers to punish the supreme Lord (Narayana)". And also seen as question to the Lord Himself as to how He accepts all this.

This literally means what penance Yashoda had undertaken in her previous birth to be bestowed upon with the powers to punished, love, care for the Supreme Lord Mahavishnu(Lord Satya Narayana also known as Emperor of Gods in Hindu Mythology). Upon this request it said that Lord Krishna opens His Mouth in front of Yashoda who sees the Seven Oceans, the entire Universe with its vast expanse and also Lord Narayana seated upon Adhishesha (The Divine Snake), attended upon by his beloved consort Mahalakshmi

Upon this Divine Intervention, Mother Yashoda faints only to be revived by Lord Krishna and attended by Sage Narada, who explains to her about Krishna's Life. Krishna stealing the butter, Krishna tied to mortar especially in couplets written by poet-saint Surdas where her deep affection for Krishna becomes an epitome of 'Vatsalya Prema', Mother's Love and even 'Vatsalya Bhakti’, Mother'

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